I’ve been out of school for a little over a week now, and you know what that means...it’s summertime! Although sometimes I get bored, I love summer. You have more time and freedom to do things such as go chill at the pool for a day, or you could have a late night hang out with your friends and talk about what everyone has been up to. I like to do all of these things. I also like to go on vacation despite how hard it is for me to get around sometimes because of my disability, but I won’t let that stop me from having adventures.
This past spring my family and I went to San Antonio, TX. My dad had a conference there and my mom, my sister Sarah, and I decided to come join him after it was over. My mom and I had a separate flight from Sarah because she was using my mom’s passes from when she was a flight attendant. Us kids get 8 free flight passes a year until we are 24 so long as we fly using American Airlines, since that was who my mom worked for.
Before we went on this trip I got a new wheelchair for travel, it’s like a manual chair but it still has a joystick so I can still drive it myself. When my mom and I got there my dad was waiting for us. I felt excited to go explore the city! Of course we had to hang out and wait for Sarah to arrive. Finally after what felt like a lifetime, she showed up! My dad then took us all to the car he rented. We drove to the hotel and took our stuff up to our room. After putting our stuff away, we took a walk on the riverwalk and got some dinner.
The riverwalk was definitely one of my favorite parts of the trip. It was like the Indianapolis canal on steroids! There was always a lot of people eating at the restaurants, shopping at the stores, or just strolling around looking at the pretty sights. One of the other cool parts was riding the boats. There were two different types, one had a tour guide who told us all the history of the city as we rode along. The other one was just to take you from place to place, like a water taxi. I really enjoyed both.
My family and I wanted to explore more of the city than just the typical sights so we went to the missions. The missions are churches that were built in the old days. We only got to go inside one because we got there a half a hour before the closing time of all of them. The church we went into was gorgeous both on the inside and the outside. Although we only had time to go into one we drove around to the other three missions. My dad and Sarah got out to look around and take some pictures, while my mom and I just stayed in the car. My family and I also went to Austin, TX. Austin is just a couple hours away from San Antonio. I really enjoyed walking around and exploring the city. Austin had a lot to do with music, which I thought was cool. Some of the food we had on this trip was delicious and some was just okay. Our last night in San Antonio we had amazing tacos! Overall I really enjoyed this vacation and I definitely want to go back some day and explore more of this beautiful city.
This summer I have lots of fun plans I’m going to music camp, just like every summer. I’m excited to see everyone there and play some music. I’m also going on vacation to the beach, which I’m looking forward because I haven’t been to the beach in three years. Other then that I’m just planning on having a relaxing summer and just enjoying time with friends and family!